Re.Grow facilities process food organics and garden organics.
Re.Grow develops, manages and operates innovative food organics and garden organics (FOGO) processing facilities. Our showcase project is the Dunmore FOGO site, developed in partnership with Shellharbour City Council (SCC). It processes kerbside organics to create high quality compost products for sale in agricultural, horticultural and retail markets.
Our robust processing systems are based on international best practice with careful consideration of our Australian context.


Dunmore Shellharbour City Council FOGO
The Dunmore FOGO facility provides a safe and effective local approach to converting household FOGO into quality compost products. It effectively showcases the outcomes of the NSW Government’s WLRM Organics Infrastructure Grants, having been delivered on time and on budget.
Who does this facility service?
Who does this facility service?
Shellharbour City Council (SCC) is located about 100km south of Sydney, NSW. The current population of 70,000 is serviced by the FOGO facility with an expected increase to 85,000 by 2036.
What materials are processed at the FOGO facility?
The facility receives and processes materials from the kerbside FOGO collection system plus 'self haul' material delivered to the site.
What technology is used at the FOGO facility?
Re.Group developed an aerated tunnel composting system with leading international technology partners from the Netherlands for the advanced control systems.
The ‘front-end’ receivals and processing includes an elevated picking station to ensure staff are safely away from mobile plant while undertaking decontamination works. With the intensive composting phase completed within the enclosed tunnels, and all odorous air treated via an engineered biofilter, we then use an outdoor windrow maturation area.
How many tonnes are processed at the FOGO site?
The Shellharbour FOGO currently processes 26,000 tonnes/annum of organic material, with licensed capacity for 50,000 tonnes/annum.
What products are created at the FOGO facility?
The facility produces high quality compost products in accordance with AS4454 guidelines. These products are suitable for general retail markets, agricultural and horticultural markets.
What does the FOGO site bring to the local community?
Since opening of the Dunmore FOGO facility, we have hosted various community group tours, helping to educate the local community about best practice organics recycling. One of the best aspects of the facility is that it is co-located with Council’s public-access transfer station. The community can be proud of the excellent organics infrastructure developed to service their local community. Re.Group is also working in conjunction with Shellharbour City Council’s excellent education team to ensure that current low contamination levels are maintained.
Re.Group Services
Re.Group is actively delivering resource recovery services from mixed waste and source-separated recycling streams. We aim to provide clarity and efficiency with our communication and approach.
Our wide range of services allow us to provide an integrated approach where necessary and incorporate best practice equipment and systems sourced from leading international providers with a proven track record.