Return-It delivers a modern approach to Australian Container Deposit Refund Systems
Through Return-It we provide environmental and social benefits to local communities.
Return-It offers a modern and convenient way to collect eligible containers and pay back refund amounts, while embracing both our customers and charity groups as part of the recycling collection system. We place strategic focus on convenient locations and couple this with our design team, RDT's commitment to innovation. Return-It enables a seamless recycling experience both at our in-store cash-back depots as well as various drop off locations.
Experience and Capability
We are the Network Operator for the ACT CDS, collecting all containers in the nation's capital, and the Major Operator in the Queensland Container Refund Scheme, opening over 100 points from November 2018. We're also a major operator in WA, and we have a number of refund points in NSW. On the 14th April 2023, Return-It was announced as one of the Network Operators of the CDS Vic and will operating refund points in the Southern Melbourne and Gippsland regions. We have a capacity to service more regions through our active investment in best practice business support platforms. Our systems allow us to manage complex information across a network of collection points in metropolitan, regional and remote regions.
ReCollect household material collections
Through ReCollect we provide the opportunity for everyone to recycle.
ReCollect provides an alternative option for those who may not be able to venture to a site, to recycle from the comfort of their home. Our tailored app allows customers to book a pickup, have their rubbish picked up and get their refunds back all from one place.

How the ACT CDS Scheme Works
Return-It is the network operator for the ACT Container Deposit Scheme (CDS), designed by the ACT Government and in partnership with the Scheme Coordinator, Exchange for Change. It recognises the responsibility of both the beverage industry and the community to reduce waste generated by beverage product packaging. The Return-It team are committed to outstanding customer service and exceptional environmental performance across Australia.
What containers are accepted?
- PET - Polyethylene terephthalate
- HDPE - High-density polyethylene
- Glass
- Aluminium
- Steel
- LPB - Liquid paperboard
Why visit a Return-It Depot?
A key element of our Return-It Depots are our dedicated customer facing team. They take extreme pride in providing excellent customer service tailored to our range of CDS customers. Return-It also partners with a number of charities to train support local communities.
What happens to all these containers?
Every beverage container customers return are recycled and converted back into containers or other useful products.
- Aluminium cans are baled, melted and back on the shelf as new cans. This saves natural resources and it uses 95% less energy to manufacture a recycled can than to make a new one.
- Plastic Bottles are power-washed, shredded and washed again before being melted back into plastic containers. This process uses a third less energy than manufacturing new plastic.
- Glass Bottles are broken into small pieces called "cullet" and used to manufacture new bottles or converted to send for local use.
Re.Group Services
Re.Group is actively delivering resource recovery services from mixed waste and source-separated recycling streams. We aim to provide clarity and efficiency with our communication and approach.
Our wide range of services allow us to provide an integrated approach where necessary and incorporate best practice equipment and systems sourced from leading international providers with a proven track record.