Re.Group offers a range of video resources showcasing how we recover and sort everyday packaging items so they can be recycled again and again.
Go on a behind the scenes tour of our Materials Recovery Facility to discover how the recycling process works.
Discover how Return-It simplifies Container Deposit Schemes.
Follow the journey of a container to find out how it is recycled and remade into a bottle again.

Council education videos
We partner with our councils to produce educational resources and videos to help communities Recycle Right.
View examples of council videos below:
City of Greater Dandenong
Follow your waste
Sunshine Coast Council
What happens to your recycling on the Sunshine Coast?
Go on a tour of the Nambour Material Recovery Facility
Cairns Regional Council
Cairns Regional Council Material Recovery Facility Virtual Tour
Re.Group joint-venture partnership with the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA), City of Marion, City of Holdfast Bay and City of Onkaparingka.
South Australia's largest household recycling facility opens in Onkaparinga
South Australia's largest Material Recovery Facility
News Media
We provide links to News Media videos to help communities Recycle Right.
View examples of videos below:
ABC TV + iview War on Waste - Season 3, Episode 1. Plastic Recycling in Australia
Craig Reucassel interview with Garth Lamb, Re.Group Chief Development Officer at Adelaide Southern Materials Recovery Facility