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Strathfield South Material Recovery Facility - increasing recycling capacity
October 19, 2023

Re.Group is proposing to increase the amount of glass it processes at its Strathfield South Material Recovery Facility.
Additional glass processing will use existing infrastructure, with no additional buildings, plant or equipment proposed. If approved, the Project will increase the total materials received and processed on site from 99,900 to 200,000 tonnes per annum, keeping this material out of landfill to be positively reused as inputs in bottle-to-bottle manufacturing.
If approved, the increased processing capacity will make an important contribution to the local economy, providing an additional six permanent full-time jobs. It will also greatly contribute to local, state, and national sustainability and recycling goals by keeping the materials that community consumes and discards in circulation for as long as possible. The positive impacts to the community include reducing landfill and contributing to cleaner natural environments.
As the proposal is classified as a State Significant Development under New South Wales planning guidelines, Re.Group has engaged bd infrastructure to engage with the local community to inform their Social Impact Assessment. Community engagement will seek to understand local stakeholder views, ideas, and questions.
For more information, including how to have your say, follow this link to access the Community Newsletter.
If you would like to contact one of our project team members directly, please contact us by:
- Emailing engagement@bdinfrastructure.com
- Calling 0407 795 796