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Return-It to our Canberra Customers!
March 4, 2022

Return-It Depots across the ACT celebrated community recycling outcomes with free coffee, cookies, and reusable bags for our customers in November!
Re.Group would like to extend a huge thank you to MP David Smith and the community for showing up, not only for the event but for more than 3 years of recycling via the ACT CDS. The ACT container deposit scheme offers both environmental benefits and social outcomes. Working closely with Exchange for Change and the ACT
Government, Return-It is very proud to have established a diverse network of refund points that enable individuals, families, and various community groups to raise much-needed funds.
"It's great to see the scheme having a positive impact on the environment, and the ACT community."
-David Singh, Managing Director of Re.Group
Since commencement, the scheme has seen almost 300 million containers returned. Return-It is excited to see the team's continued display of company values, particularly 'Customer Obsession,' as we expand the successful initiative.
There are 22 return points across the ACT including cash-back depots in Fyshwick, Mitchell, Phillip, and Belconnen. Find your nearest Return-It depot here!