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Return-It awarded Network Operator of the Victorian CDS
April 14, 2023

Re.Group is thrilled to announce that Return-It has been awarded the contract to be one of three Network Operators in the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme. This exciting opportunity allows Re.Group and Return-It to expand our significant recycling operations in the southeast Melbourne and Gippsland regions, and we are pleased to have been selected for this important role.
As one of Australia's largest operators of container return schemes, Return-It is committed to delivering social impact through a modern and efficient CDS to achieve our broader Re.Group goal of a wasteless society. Our team is passionate about reducing waste and protecting the environment, and we are excited to bring five years of Australian container return scheme expertise and learnings from the ACT, Queensland, Western Australia and NSW to the Victorian community.
The Victorian CDS provides an important opportunity to reduce litter and increase recycling rates, and we look forward to working closely with the community to ensure its success. Our focus will be on delivering an efficient and effective service, with a commitment to environmental sustainability and customer satisfaction.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Victorian Government for entrusting us with this important role, and we look forward to collaborating with the other operators, scheme coordinator VicReturn, and stakeholders to achieve our shared goals, with this exciting scheme to go live on 1 November this year.
Once again, we are thrilled to be a part of this initiative and are excited about the opportunities it presents for our business, our partners, and the environment. Return-It. It's worth it.